Waiting for Python 4.0 ? Stop! It will never arrive [Said by Python Creator] Waiting for Python 4.0 ? Stop! It will never arrive [Said by Python Creator]

Waiting for Python 4.0 ? Stop! It will never arrive [Said by Python Creator]

Are you eagerly awaiting Python 4.0’s release? Well, you might want to temper those expectations. In a recent interview, Python’s creator, Guido van Rossum, cast doubt on the future of Python 4.0. Let’s delve into the details and explore why Python 4.0 may not be on the horizon.

Guido van Rossum, the mastermind behind Python, has expressed skepticism about the necessity of Python 4.0. Despite ongoing development efforts since 2000, Van Rossum himself isn’t certain if Python 4.0 would be worth the release. He even made the decision to halt Python 3.8 and push out 3.9 instead due to the numerous proposed changes causing complexities.

The transition from Python 2.0 to Python 3.0 posed significant challenges for developers, leading Van Rossum to question the feasibility of Python 4.0’s migration. His sentiments are echoed by many in the Python community, who have grappled with the migration woes and are cautious about initiating another major shift.

Van Rossum’s lack of enthusiasm for Python 4.0 stems from practical considerations. He acknowledges the demand for new features but emphasizes the importance of maintaining backward compatibility, a lesson learned from the Python 2 to 3 transition. As a result, discussions about Python 4.0 are almost taboo within the core development team.

Despite the uncertainty surrounding Python 4.0, Python 3 has gained widespread adoption among industry giants like Google, Red Hat, and Facebook. Google’s decision to switch entirely to Python 3 from version 3.3 onwards underscores its significance.

Van Rossum’s musings on other programming languages provide further insights into Python’s evolution. He sees parallels between Python and TypeScript, with Python adopting optional static typing reminiscent of TypeScript’s approach. Additionally, Van Rossum finds the Rust programming language intriguing, particularly its approach to memory management.

As for JavaScript, Van Rossum notes its similarities with Python and acknowledges the reciprocal learning between the two languages. While Python continues to dominate desktop environments, its resource-intensive nature has limited its adoption on mobile devices, where efficiency is paramount.


while Python 4.0 may not be imminent, Python remains a versatile and powerful language with a dedicated community. Van Rossum’s cautious approach reflects a commitment to maintaining Python’s strengths while exploring opportunities for improvement.
